Saturday, May 25, 2013

Utah Scientist Makes Breakthrough in Mental Illness Research

I have been really busy the last week or so, and haven't took the time to research things and post them on my blog. I actually came across this article on, one of our local news websites. Some of you may have seen it already, but I wanted to post it here for those out of state.

It tells of the work of Dr. Mario Capecchi, a Nobel-prize winning geneticist at the University of Utah. 

While the traditional method to treat mental illness was to use therapydrugs to alter the brain's chemistry, Dr. Capecchi has researched the effect the body's immune system has on mental health.

More information can be found at this link:

Utah Scientist Makes Mental Health Breakthrough

This is exciting information for me.  I have Attention Deficit Disorder, and also had a head injury when I was 12. The results manifest themselves in various ways. I've tried various medications to help me deal with it, but found that none really seemed to help me. So, I've developed coping skills that have helped me to deal with it. However, takes constant mental and emotional effort and at times leads to burnout.

I know of other people who have wrestled with depression, anxiety attacks, bi-polar conditions, or any of a number of emotional or mental challenges. It is heart-breaking, and people in general still tend to believe that a person should just "snap out of it", instead of treating it as a medical condition instead of a conscious choice.

I hope it's helpful for those of you who wrestle with these things, or knows someone that does.


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