Thursday, May 16, 2013

So Many Scandals--So Little Time...

Well, I've been scanning news stories and other information sources, and have pretty much decided to call May the month of the scandal.  There's been so many going on--IRS harassing conservative groups, IRS Bugging the phones used by reporters in the Capitol, the Benghazi Hearings, and perhaps the most damning of all--President Obama doesn't floss after brushing!!!

Seriously, though, there is so much happening in such a compressed amount of time that I'm tempted to lump everything together and call it "Scandal-gate"...

There is solid evidence that many of these paths lead back to the current occupant of the White House... I'm sure more information will come out--assuming conservative law-makers can hold on and not get distracted like happens so often. They seem to forget, if every they thought of it, that most Liberal politicians started out as lawyers, and they are adept at redirecting attention away from the guilty and blaming others in the trial of the press.

Anyway, I'll be writing more on this in subsequent posts.



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