Sunday, June 2, 2013

Yahoo News: What Mitt Romney's White House Would Have Looked Like if He Had Won the Election

This article spells out some of the details of how Mitt Romney planned to organize the White House.  The tone of the article is definitely anti-Romney, but I have to wonder what the author is thinking when they take issue with

 "A plan to restructure White House operations to suit Romney’s corporate management style, with clear deliverables"

In other words, Romney planned to hold people accountable for how they performed instead of rewarding political hacks by padding his cabinet with them.

Mitt Romney's White House

So many people have used Romney's actions, and supposed actions while at Bain Capital to vilify him.  I'm definitely opposed to the excesses of capitalism as practiced by some of the "robber baron" industrialists. However, I'm reminded of some important points:

- I don't know of any people that work for poor people--a person has to be financially smart to succeed and create jobs.

- If a patient has inoperable gangrene in his leg, is it best to remove the diseased leg, realizing that the patient still might die, or to ignore him while he suffers a painful, extended demise?

The things that the majority of the Liberals, socialists, etc. don't seem to grasp is that government can only create jobs using someone else's money--after taking a large cut of overhead from the revenue collected before redistributing it.

Anyway, my two cents, er..... two dollars worth (adjusted for inflation)--


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